I have now been home for a full month (something that hasn't happened since my freshman year of college) and this means the pandemic has been going on for well over a month. In a lot of ways it feels like it's been this long, but on the other it feels like it's only been a week or two.
I have definitely been missing class and interacting with my peers and professors. Online just isn't the same. However, it is a saving grace during this time. I still feel very connected to friends through it, making this all bearable. It's also hard to stick to a schedule, something I'm continuing to work towards. I recently started bullet journaling again, and I feel like that is definitely been helping me to be and feel more productive.
One of the weirdest feelings I've experienced is from the weather. It may sound silly, I know. But, being in Louisiana and not Colorado for winter it felt like winter had ended in February and felt like it was well into spring. However, unexpectedly coming back to Colorado, even though in April, I was thrown back into blizzards and icy roads. So, my seasons, much like my days during our stay-at-home order, are very mixed up and makes me feel jumbled (especially because also in between blizzards Colorado likes to be a nice sunny 70...). I am however, looking forward to getting back to Louisiana weather, although considering summer is approaching maybe I shouldn't be.
A week from now I will be done with my last test of my master's program. I am excited to feel successful in completing the program, but also sad to not be there learning with my currents peers from the amazing professors I was lucky to have this year (I realize this might sound like I'm trying to suck up, but it's true. I keep in contact with my pre-med advisor and constantly am telling her how amazing the professors and program are and to keep it in mind for other students.).
As I complete this program, I am more excited than ever to continue pursuing my career as a doctor and can't wait to begin medical school and start this new chapter. I am also excited that I will be staying in Louisiana for the foreseeable future and am looking forward to learning more about the New Orleans (and Southern) culture.
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