Total hours: 17.5 hrs
I suppose my blog's name isn't too accurate right now, as I am back in Colorado waiting out Covid-19. I'm very lucky however to be able to continue my community service remotely! The organization I volunteer for has been sending pictures of the letters we receive, so I am to respond. It's nice to have something (besides studying) to do during quarantine!

It might sound crazy, but the most upsetting thing about the pandemic for me was not getting to take the NBME. I had been studying harder than I'd ever studied and felt prepared, but more importantly I was excited to see my results and know that I would thrive in medical school. Looking back, I still think I will thrive, knowing that I can sacrifice so much time for something that is so important to me. That's what this whole journey to med school has been about. A close second upsetting thing however, is not being able to see my friends and favorite professors everyday. Luckily we have Zoom and Marco Polo to stay in touch, but the atmosphere is still different and I am definitely excited to get back to it!
Tomorrow we have our first remote test. I am nervous (my wifi and cell service are not great back at home), but I am also excited to get it out of the way, and only have one left! Besides that I am focusing on my presentations for the rest of the semester. I had my first Zoom presentation last week and while it went well technologically, I found it interesting that I was more nervous than I am when giving a presentation in person. I suppose that is because it's something new.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay inside!
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